I went through a myriad of shampoos and conditions and even went to the doctor to ask if my age and hormone levels could be the root cause (ha!) of my hair problems. It seemed that when I turned the big Four-OH! last year, my hair decided it had had enough and began to limp out, break off and otherwise boycott all efforts I made at prettiness. As luck would have it in the midst of my hair product experimentation, BlogHer approached me with this review.
I had already tried five different shampoos since the first of the year, working my way down the list of suggestions my readers had provided earlier. When my Pantene arrived, the first thing I did was open it and take a smell. I like a shampoo that smells good but not heavily perfumed. Pantene smelled very light and fragrant but not overpowering. I washed my hair that night and was surprised that the shampoo is clear. I am not sure what I expected, but it wasn’t clear shampoo. I also like the fact that I only needed a small amount to clean my hair with a head full of bubbly lather. I conditioned and was surprised at the difference I felt simply combing it out. The true test would be the morning when I woke up. Usually, if I wash my hair at night, when I wake up in the morning it is limp and thin. However, the miracle of Pantene Full & Thick was that my hair actually had some fullness and thickness to it the next morning! Even better? My hair still looked good that night!
I was hesitant though to love this new Pantene Full & Thick just yet. I still had another day of hair to deal with. I used Pantene again and decided to blow dry my hair. Wow. Note to self: no need to hang my head upside down to blow dry it using Pantene. Yeah. I had big 80s hair that was, well, big. I had to tame it back just a little with some water. However, again, I was able to go two full days without washing my hair and that is huge for me.
I decided to wash both of my daughters’ hair with the Pantene Full & Thick. This was comical at best. My 12 year old has really thick, full hair. This shampoo gave her a full on lion’s mane. Not the look she was going for at all! My 9 year old has thin, wispy hair like mine. Her hair was beautiful and full of body and bounce. She is hooked and asked if I could buy her some Pantene for “just her.”

If you have thin or limp hair like I did, I would feel totally comfortable recommending Pantene Full & Thick. I also appreciate the fact that the conditioner is a light conditioner that does not weigh down my hair, but still leaves it soft and manageable so I can pull it up at work if necessary, and when I drop it back down, it still looks good. I finally have movie star hair!
Well, almost.
Oh Look! A Contest:
Would you love to win a $100 Visa card and a year’s supply of Pantene? If so, leave me a comment below and tell me how much time do you spend dealing with hair issues daily and do you have any tips or tricks you can share - or you may leave a link to your post on your own blog in the comments below. The contest will begin at 9:00 a.m. (PST) July 1, 2009 and will end 5:00 p.m. (PST) August 1, 2009. Make sure that the e-mail address you leave is correct.
• No duplicate comments.
• You may receive an additional entry by linking on twitter and leaving a link in the comments.
• You may receive an additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.
• This giveaway is open to US residents, aged 18 and over
• Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail.
• You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
• Please see the official rules here: Official Rules
Check out the rest of the BlogHer reviews for 8 additional chances to win!
UPDATE: We have a winner! Congratulations Heatherzilla. Check your email.
1 – 200 of 359 Newer› Newest»I am so glad you found something that works! I have very thick and naturally curly/wavy hair. I always dealt with the same issues of frizzy and icky looking hair. Last year my hair dresser told me to wash it with hot water, but when rinsing out the conditioner use the coldest water you can possibly stand. It helps close the folicles and keeps the hair from frizzing out. Damned if she wasn't right :) I spend about 15 to 20 minutes on my hair, if I'm having a good day. Of course as you know, not everyday is a good day..LOL..Thanks for the chance to win and good luck everyone!!
I'm on the search for a conditioner that works, so I will definitely be trying this one out!
My daily hair routine consists of: wash hair, condition hair, towel dry hair, comb hair, braid hair. A total time of about 20 minutes. I'm nothing if not sexy! We just recently moved to Tucson from Oregon and the only difference I've had to make to my hair routine is due to the hard water here. Once a week, I rinse my hair with plain ol' vinegar before conditioning to remove all the build-up. Sure, I smell like a salad for most of the next day, but my hair stays super shiny if I do it regularly.
I used to throw it in a pony tail but now I work outside of the house and have to flat iron it just about every day. What works? Nothing works well enough for me to rave about it. I think I will have to try the Pantene though.
I'm intrigued ... I've used Pantene shampoos before and liked the way they make my hair feel, but I've got very fine hair and this sounds like it could work well!
I don't have to spend too much time on my hair these days, because I keep it very short. I was tired of dealing with long, flat, fine hair that didn't hold ANY style. Want curls? Better sleep in curlers.
My hair is so thin & limp, I'd love to find something that works! I also twittered this here: http://twitter.com/Ctug
I wore my hair super short for years, but decided to grow it out about 4 years ago. Now I wear it shoulder length, but in S Carolina, where I live, we have high humidity. So, my hair looks great when I style/flat iron it, and the minute I step out of the house, instant afro. It is a constant struggle.
I mostly have to be careful not to weigh my hair down with conditioner. Finding one with the right combination of conditioning/lightness has been tough.
I spend about 20-30 minutes on my hair, most of the with the blowdryer. I have a lot of hair.
Glad to hear you're having success with Pantene Full & Thick! I work for Pantene and have thin hair and this is the only product that works for me! I also use the Extra Fullness Gel for extra fullness. Thx, Dee
I spend next-to-no minutes daily dealing with hair. I wash it 2-3 times a week. I brush it daily, obviously, and about halfway through the day I'll get annoyed with it & put it up- again, no time. Winning a shampoo that makes my routine even easier (as I feel that my hair is starting to thin out some! I dry my hair upside-down too.) would be great!
(joshandjoanna at gmail)
I am so low-maintenance with my hair I hardly spend any time on it. And sometimes it shows :-) Maybe 5-10 minutes a day! That's why you need a good shampoo!
samanthajocampen at gmail dot com
I tweeted:
samanthajocampen at gmail dot com
"Full & Thick" I MOCK thee! Ha-ha-ha!
And that is my hair somewhat straightened by being in a pony & braided all day!
I wash my hair every other day, mostly around by my face & ears, I don't scrub it down but every 2 weeks. Then I SLATHER on the greasiest conditioner (usually the heavy stuff left over from hair coloring) and just pull my fingers through it. Combing it separates & frizzes the curls. Also, it would take forever! So, not counting when I give it a good comb through & a thorough scrubbing maybe every 2 weeks, in general I spend maybe 5 minutes a day on my hair.
Sounds gross, huh?
My hair is not an accessory, it's a PART of ME.
I like my hair & my curls & I never flat-iron it or anything.
Does Pantene have "Smooth & Flat"? That, I would try. I like Pantene, though, from what I remember of it.
Can't wait to try this out. I have very thick, straight hair and have it cut pretty short right now. The girl that cut my hair did an "undercut" the last time where she cut the hair right against my scalp at my neck line really short. You can't see that part because the rest of my hair covers it up. Anyway, it makes the back look fuller and is lots cooler this summer! Only takes me about 10 minutes to blow dry it with a round brush and I am out the door!
I have curly hair that gets frizzy in humidity. Living in North Carolina - that's most of the time. I told my husband once I would be a different person if I hadn't had to "control" my hair my entire life! It doesn't look like it's thin because it puffs out so much, but it is. I could really use some help getting my hair healthy!
I usually spend about half an hour. My tip for fine-haired people like myself is to blow dry your hair upside down. You get a blood rush, but it works.
My hair has always been thin, it got thinner after I had gastric by-pass. I have to use root lifter stuff.. I spend about 20 minutes on it... Thanks for the review.. I think I'll try it.
I am lucky in that most of my life I have not had "problem" hair. That being said, when I developed a hormone imbalance my hair was among the first casualties. It went from being thick to thin, bouncy to flat, my favorite thing about me to "damn I hate my hair." I did a few things that helped, added daily vitamins, stopped using product (hairspray, gel, etc.) on a daily basis and went back to using steam curlers instead of a curling iron. I also keep my ends trimmed which encourages new growth, haven't chemically treated my hair in any way in 18 years (gah I'm old) and use a good shampoo and detangler in the summer instead of conditioner which in the New England humidity is a killer. Lastly, I don't wash my hair every day unless I get gross working outside. Washing every day strips away natural oils.
Lets start with the fact I have long (down to my lower back) naturally curly hair. My DAILY process takes about 45 minutes to an hour. I start with shampoo and conditioner. Blot my hair, apply leave in conditioner and moroccanoil, twist and clip for a few minutes. Flip hair and apply spray jel, scrunch and diffuse. Flip hair up, spray in root booster, flip back over and diffuse some more. Flip back up and clip top for some volume. Apply make-up. Diffuse back and sides of hair, flip back over and diffuse some more. Flip back up and diffuse sides and back. Clip top once again to keep some volume, until I get to the train. Then take hair out of clip and pray I get to keep some volume on top. Now on occasion I will straighten my hair in which it takes a different approach. I shampoo and condition as usual. Once out of shower, I wrap in towel to get most of the water out. Then I put my hair in a bun for about a day. The next day I blow dry and straight iron section by section. This takes about a half hour to 45 minutes. But it comes out completely straight. People can’t believe how different my hair can be from one day to the next.
(lilmissde at yahoo dot com)
I'm lazy when it comes to doing my hair...I only spend about 10 minutes on it.
Thin, dry looking limp hair women here. I'm constantly trying new things to get my hair to look fuller. Switching Pantene types..I love Pantene. Blowing drying my hair upside down, seems to help for a little while or the first few hours atleast. Hair spray a round brush blow drying this way and that way only to end up with a pony tail any way. Sad isn't it?
nightowlmama at comcast dot net
when my hair was long, I used shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner spray, mousse and then hair spray to get my long curls under control... I could sometimes go a 2nd day by using a spray on revitalizer type stuff.
now that it's short... I try to use a 2 in 1, some biosilk, and sometimes a cream or pomade... I miss my long hair, but don't miss the half our of doing my hair each day... now I can be done in about 10 min's...
I am ALL about getting good haircuts, and I also color my hair, which helps close the cuticle to reduce frizz. (Amy's right about the cold water, too.) But a good haircut for your type of hair, I think, is better than fighting it.
I gave up on my hair a while ago. I had thick beautiful hair until I had my daughter... now it's thin, lifeless. Thank goodness I wear a ponytail to work everyday :)
I recently started several new medications and they are raising awful hair issues. I really have to condition a lot to keep any body in it. My daughter recommended Pantene to me and I guess its time to try it. Thanks!
hondaray6 at hotmail dot com
I tweeted:
All of a sudden my hair is getting split ends and breaking...I'm bummed. Pony tails for me.
What a great review. I will have to try this. I have very thin hair, though I have a lot of it, so everyone thinks it is really thick.
I thicken it up with lots of products. LOL! Mouse, spray conditioner, spray gel and hairspray. I would love to get it thicker looking without so much stuff.
fperkins2000 at yahoo.com
I spend about 20 minutes on my hair each morning!
My tip is to let my hair air dry as much as possible, while I am getting dressed and putting my make-up on... The less I use my blow dryer, the less damage I have to my hair!
Thanks for the chance to win this GREAT Giveaway! I love Pantene!
LeslieVeg left a tweet
I have really fine hair. I wash my hair every morning and as much as I'd like to condition it every day, I'm always afraid it's going to leave residue and drag my hair down. Usually I'm short on time so I either dry it with a hair dryer or let my hair air dry. If I have extra time I will curl it with the curling iron. Did I mention my hair is the straight hair those who use straightening irons every day aspire to? :)
Oh that's easy. I refuse to give my hair more than 15 minutes of my time in the morning for styling. If I can get it worked out within 15 mins, it's a ponytail or bandana day. LOL!
Home days I just wash and throw into a ponytail knot. 15 minutes max. Date night I wash then dry then straighten then spray about 30 minutes total.
I have no talent in the hair depart what so ever. So I pretty much don't do anything to my hair at all except wash, brush, and sometimes a pony tail. I try to roll it if I'm going somewhere nice.
courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com
I spend about a half and hour on my hair. When my routine stops working I let my hair rest a couple of days. I will do a deep conditioner and then wear it straight or put it in a ponytail. This seems to work for me.
I usually spend less than 10 minutes on my hair a day. The trick is to keep the cut simple requiring little work to be done
cat at 3kidsandus dot com
I probably spend like 15 minutes a day on my hair, I used to spend longer but with more experience you get quicker. Maybe you could set away some time to practice, or just get a simple cut
Blogged about the contest :)
I can't wait to try this product! I read your original post about your hair and I even tried alot of the products your readers suggested. Your hair looks awesome and is exactly the length of mine. Hope it works for me too!
I spend MAYBE 10 minutes on my hair a day. I am lucky! However, my hair is also short and, if I get it cut regularly, I don't seem to have too many hair issues. I believe that is the kep to hair issues! Keep up on the trims! It keeps your hair healthy!
kkondek at gmail.com
Tweet! http://twitter.com/ktkatherine/status/2624489864
kkondek at gmail.com
If I am home not going out it take me 2 minutes to clip the hair up but if I have to go out. It take sme at leat 20 minutes to get my unruly hair under control.
tweeted: http://twitter.com/carogonza/status/2625436534
My hair issue differ on a daily basis...oh the drama. The worst thing I deal with is the frizz!!! I usually use gel and put it in while my hair is wet so that usually does the trick. If I blow dry my hair and there is still frizz, then I use Pantene anti-frizz serum which helps. I can spend as little as 5 minutes on the drama, or up to 30 minutes!
jenbutterfly12 at yahoo dot com
Tweet, Tweet.
Oh goodness... with my early mornings getting to work lately I have just been throwing my hair in a ponytail. But when I have to dry and style it, it takes about an hour because it's so thick!
clarissa at digitaldeacons.com
I spend about 30 minutes on my hair daily, except on my wash days which I spend up to 3 hrs. To help manage split ends I moisturize my hair daily then apply serum to my ends. I wrap my hair every night with a silk scarf. I deep condition my hair weekly for 45 minutes with a moisturizing conditioner then follow with a reconstructor for 5 minutes.
Wow, this sounds great.
I have fine hair and Pantene Full & Thick sounds like it just maybe the product for me.
I usually blow dry my hair using a brush to style, since my hair is so fine it takes only a couple of minutes to dry.
i spend a lot of time worrying about my hair because i feel like it's just getting thinner and thinner.
and that's not supposed to happen to women!!
when i saw that so many people were having good luck with the product i just might have to try it. (i currently use all aveda products)
but i'd love to win some : )
Since I just started coloring my hair again, someone recommended Pantene Red Expressions to me. The big issue I have right now is my color washing out a bit much, so I'm definitely getting some.
From your review, sounds like they make a good product.
Luckily, I do not have to deal with hair issues on a daily basis since I work at home and can rock a ponytail with no shame most days.
However, if I'm going out somewhere or have a public meeting it isn't uncommon for me to fuss for at least half an hour.
my hair is fine with a slight wave and looks a lot better now that I'm wearing it shorter. My routine is usually very quick. If I'm stuck with a wave in just the wrong location, wetting it and blowdrying that side is quicker then trying to resolve it with styling products.
I spend little time on my hair.
It's very short, thin & fine.
I want to try out the Pantene Full & Think shampoo to see if it helps.
not really a trick..but I find if I wash hair every other day instead of every day it looks better. So that's my routine.
How much time I spend depends on what I have going on for the day. If I'm heading to church, I'll spend about 20 minutes on it from drying to spraying. But if it's just me and the fam hanging around the house, about five minutes with the diffuser on the dryer, then up in a ponytail. I am no help at all when it comes to tricks of the trade. I need all the help I can get!
My problem is that I don't spend enough time on my hear. I'm low maintenance so I usually just pull my hair back into a pony tail. I need to be more regular about getting hair cuts, too. For frizzy hair, like mine, I recommend a cream applied to wet hair and DO NOT blow dry. Air dried hair, for me anyway, is less frizzy.
You do not need to shampoo and condition your hair everyday! Repeat: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SHAMPOO AND CONDITION YOUR HAIR EVERYDAY! Take some cut cucumbers, put them in a spritz bottle with water, and spray over your hair. Now your hair is refreshed without all the fuss!
20 minutes
Probably about a half hour, but I still stay frustrated because it is thinning.
My hair dilemma is that it gets tangled a lot. I constantly have knots in the back of my hair. I have to spend a lot of time detangling. Pantene's conditioner helps a lot, though.
I spend about 20 mins. max on my hair. My main problem is frizz, which I haven't found any products that truly work for that.
I love Pantene. I just started using it. I probably don't spend enough time on my hair because it's short and rarely does what I want it to do. I'd say I spend about 5-10 minutes, if that. I always spray the roots with root lifter, then I use a styling mousse and blow dry my hair with a round brush. Yes, I hang my head upside down, desparately hoping for volume, then I spray and go.
I spend only about 10-15 mins on my hair. I'm a wash and air dry person. If I have somewhere important to go I'll use a straight iron to smooth out the frizzies but that's about it.
I wash my hair and let it air dry. That's about it. I gave up getting it to look good years ago.
I usually only wash it, let it dry, and ponytail it.
I go simple !! wash, ponytail, curl bangs....10 mins at most--work in healthcare
Mine is long and one layer, so I wash it, put some leave in conditioner in, scrunch it and go
I spend as little time as possible on my hair. I keep it pretty short. The best tip I have is to let hair dry just a bit, throw in some get, scrunch it, throw hairspray in and thats it...I like it like that. thank you
about a half hour. my hair is short, so its just a matter of drying and hair straightening
I just wash and go. In the summer I even go out with a wet head sometimes. I usually pull it back into a ponytail or a bun. I don't like to fuss with my hair. Thank you. :)
I spend about 20 minutes each morning, blow drying and styling my hair. I use moose to try to get my hair a little fuller. My best tip is to use moose. It really helps style my hair so much better, then without. Another tip, to make my hair fuller, I dry my hair from underneath, than flip my hair over.
As a curly girl, I actually only shampoo it 2x a week. It keeps it far less frizzy!
http://twitter.com/tequilacinco/status/2767894491 Tweet!
I spend way too much time on my hair lately. Probably 20-30 minutes per day. Thanks.
kport207 at gmail dot com
My tip is to take a shower every morning in order to have a good hair day. If I wash my hair at night, I look like I had a true nightmare in the morning :)
Thanks for the GREAT giveaway!
I have very frizzy, dry hair most of the time. I find the only thing that works to control it for a while is Pantene, I love it, and hot oil treatments at least once a month.
about a half hour each morning, max, I'm too busy to really get it right.
I spend about 5 minutes just blowing it dry in the morning and running a brush through it. I can't imagine finding the time to do much more. Have zero tips but I'm definitely on the look out for them.
tutucuteforme (at) hotmail (dot) com
I only spend about fifteen minutes on my hair in the morning, and that's it...it's a pretty easy haircut, thank goodness! LOL!
Unfortunatly my mornings are booked and I don't have much time for my hair. My tip is to put texturizing mouse in while the hair is wet and let it air dry about 90% of the way. Then use a blow dryer to tame the ends. It gives it a sexy tousled look. At least that's what my hubby says. lol.
panteen seems to be the only hair products that keep my frizz at bay and leave my hair feeling full, shiney and smooth. The fact they have a two in one saves me for I just would have time for anything else!
I would love to use Pantene again.I have been using dandruff shampoo for a long time and need to change for a while.I remember I liked it.
Pantene is great shampoo - i haven't tried the full and thick but it sounds great! I spend probably 30 minutes or so everyday trying to get my hair to look halfway decent! I've used Pantene products for quite a few years- right now I'm using the Pantene Blonde Expressions
i tweeted about the giveaway!
I have naturally curly hair so I either wear it up, down curly, or down straight hair. I like to add in this great sleaking hair gel and then style as normal. Using a curling iron will give my hair those extra curls and making my hair straight I use a straightener. I might take anywhere from 5 minutes if I'm putting my hair up or 20 minutes if it's curly or straight.
I spend a lot of time dealing with my thin hair. I use rogaine but it does not seem to help!
I would say i spend about 30-45 minutes on any given day. It's tough because it's so wavy! My favorite tip is to always use conditioner, it makes your hair fuller and softer!
After my morning shower, I towel dry my hair, and add a little mousse, then spend about 20 minutes doing other morning stuff. When my hair is almost dry, I spend about 10 minutes styling my hair. It also helps that I love my stylist and keep regular appointments.
I spend very little time daily on my hair. Maybe 20 mins?
Wash daily, condition every other day.
Gel right out of the shower, using fingers as a comb (I keep my hair short so this is easy)
"Fix" my hair throughout the day- every time I use the restroom I run wet hands through the sides to lay them down better and pick a few strands up on top.
Rarely, if ever, use a comb or a brush.
smithpatty at comcast dot net
Anyone can see that I don't overindulge in grooming activities. My tip - find a stylist you trust.
I just wash it and dry it and comb it. Nothing Fancy.
I like pantene conditioner because I noticed shine and bounce in my hair after using it all the time. It really works!
I spend probably about 30 mins each morning, including blow drying...the only tip I can provide is to use a cool blast on your hair at the end of drying to keep frizzies down. thanks :)
I spend about 20 minutes just drying my hair and another 10 minutes beating on it with the curling iron. I have yet to find the perfect solution to give me volume without a top perm but using a styling spray a few minutes before I use the curling iron helps.
shel704 at aol dot com
shel704 at aol dot com
My hair is shorter these days and I had a perm - so now I just pick, fluff and go!! I love it!!
Wrapping the hair in a towel is gentler than rubbing it dry. It falls out enough as it is. I spend about 20 minutes daily if it's a good day.
Right now I am growing hair out from short hairtcut. It is awful. I spend about thirty minutes drying/styling.
I spend virtually no time on my hair each day. I have a short simple cut that just requires a comb through it in the morning. As long as I keep it clean and cut, it looks pretty good.
clynsg at yahoo.com
For work I spend about 15-20 minutes on my hair because I wear the sides up. If I'm going out and I'm wearing it down I spead approx. 45 minutes on my hair.
I spend about 15-20 minutes on my hair. Ive found that if I let it air dry for about 15 minutes and finger fluff it before I start styling that it looks better.
I try not to spend a lot if time on my hair.I HAVE to color it once a month so there is no way out of that. I think once-a-week deep conditioner is a great tip.
These days I spend about 20 minutes on my hair and there is a 50/50 chance as to if it will behave or not! My only tip is to use a light frizz control and don't be afraid to use a flat iron when needed.
I spend about 15 minutes on my hair. I have frizzy hair so I have to use a spray in conditioner and frizz control. The best product for smoothing is Got2B smoothing lotion it controls frizz and doesn't make my hair greasy.
I've given up the ghost on my fine, limp hair and spend less than 5 minutes on it anymore. It has a mind of it's own so mostly I end up with a ponytail. I'll magically have a good hair day now and then but don't know how to make that happen all the time. Maybe Pantene Full & Thick is the answer, I'll have to give it a try.
i brush it everyday wash it every other usually let it air dry. I have easy hair, usually looks good.
I spend 2 minutes washing my hair daily and then just brush it and thats it. Its short and natural.
It only takes me about 10 minutes to dry and style my hair simply because I keep it very, very short.
My hair is thick and it takes a long time to dry, but once that's done, a couple of flips up on the bottom and sides with a curling iron and I'm done. Low maintenance is the only way to go for me.
Call me lazy but unless I'm going out, I just clip the top back and it takes about 1 minute. My hair is natually straight. Now if I go out it can take about 1/2 hour because I like to put a curl in it and leave it down.
It takes me about 1/2 hour because I flatiron my hair. It;s long and curly
I have some of the same issues you have. I have long, thin, fine hair that has no curl, no body, and is limp. I use gel on the roots and blowdry holding my head upside down then roll the ends while I put on makeup only to have the curl fall out by the time I get to work which is only 10 minutes away. I would love a product that can make my hair fuller and thicker and silkier. Please sign me up!
I don't spend much time on my hair at all. I keep a simple, long hairstyle, I just wash it in the shower, then let it air dry.
I don't spend a lot fo time on my hair-I keep it short and simply styled-I insist on really clean hair. That's it! Thanks!
I wash my hair daily, and spend maybe 20 minutes total on it. When you are towel drying your hair, don't rub it, just blot it dry with the towel. Rubbing makes it frizzier.
I am pretty much a wash and wear kind of girl. My biggest tip is never, ever lay down when your hair is the least bit damp. What a mess that can make.
I use one of those microfiber towels to wrap my head in after a shower--it minimizes drying time which minimizes frizziness! Thanks for the contest!
I'm not very good at doing fancy hair styles, so I keep it simple. I wash it and either let it air dry or blow dry it, and I usually just wear it straight down. I have thick and long hair, so sometimes I will leave in a little bit of conditioner to make my hair softer and easier to comb when I get out of the shower. colorfulcarla@ gmail.com
About 15 minutes
I spend about 30mins on my hair. I shampooand/or condition it in the shower. I let it dry for 10mins then I blow dry and moisturize it.
tip: If you have dry hair like me then just do conditioners washes instead of always shampooing it.
I spend the least time as possible on my hair. I wash it, condition it and blow dry it. If I spend any more time on it, it would be a waste. It does what it wants.
My biggest issue is the amount of time it takes to dry my hair - forever! Then I have to straighten it. I hate it!
I spend about 10 minutes blowdrying with a curler brush and my tip is to use hair putty, it gives alot of body
I partially blow dry my hair for 10 minutes in the morning and use an apple cider rinse twice a month.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net
I spend about 30 minutes a day on my hair. I use a white vineager and water rinse about every 2 weeks it leaves my hair shiny and smooth.
I spend about 20 minutes a day. My #1 tip is don't overwash your hair. A couple of times a week is good unless your're doing something like working out daily. God's Blessings to all...
My hair is very thin and fragile. I can't do anything with it. All I do is put it up in the morning with a clip with teeth. That's it. Thanks.
I don't spend that much and maybe I should. My hair has thinned considerably.
I don't spend a lot of time dealing with hair issues daily -- and it shows! I wear my hair long because hubby likes it (and it's cheaper -- no need to cut so often!), but with no perm, it's pretty limp and lifeless. My mom usually gives me my perms (and she does a great job) but she's moving and hasn't had time or has been too tired. Maybe by Christmas...
I spend very little time. The conditioner does the work
Since I have young kids I have no time to deal with my hair. I keep it long and braided and use frizz eaze to control it. When I need to look really nice a flat iron works wonders but I just don't have the time to use it daily
I have daughters with thick hair and the nots get so bad. We use extra conditioner and wide combs. I would love to try the full and thick on my thinning hair.
I have thick, curly hair & it tends to be dry so I do condition it a lot. Maybe 10-15 minutes a day.
I tweeted.
I spend about 20 minutes dealing with my thin (and thinning) course hair daily. There is only so much I can do with it.... tho' I've tried and to this point nothing works. I don't even know why this is going on the last year or so.
Basically however it turns out that day is how it is. I've tried working with it to hide the thin crown and kinda gave up.
I do use a leave-in conditioner for fine, limp hair, I use a styling mouse for fine, limp hair and they do help a little.
jeanilynne at gmail dot com
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I am currently using Pantene products and I have been for years. They have a solution for every hair type.
I recently found a great hairdresser who gives me excellent haircuts. My hair practically styles itself.
So My tip is...find a great hair stylist who gives you a great cut and stick with her/him.
I spend way too much time and money on my hair. I have very dry hair, and I'm on the hunt for moisture.
charisscharity [at] yahoo [dot] com
I hate dealing with frizz- especially in the humid Indiana summers! But I have found that after showering, if I slather in a cream based style creme, and let my hair air dry WITHOUT touching it, my frizz usually keeps to a minimum.
I tweeted.
I don't actually spend that much time daily on my hair. I am lucky I only have to wash my hair every 2 to 3 days. I steam roll it on the first day and it stays well enough until the next washing. I put it in a scrunchy at night to preserve the curl. Thanks!
I don't spend time on my hair. I get frustrated and put it up in pony tail.
I spend the most time trying to pump up the volume on my hair. It's limp and lifeless. My only tip is to hair spray the roots, and then hold your head down, and then blow dry. It's the only thing that gives me a temporary boost.
I have long hair and am still looking for a shampoo that works with my hair. I'd love to try this shampoo. I should probably spend even more time on my hair.
I spend about 5 minutes per day on my hair because it tangles so easily that I can't do much with it! I need some tips!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
I usually spend about half an hour. My tip for fine-haired people like myself is to blow dry your hair upside down
When I have a fairly new perm, which means all or most of my hair is curly, daily styling is a snap. I lean over, fluff my hair with both hands, and then put a little spray on it. Done and looking great.
I spend about 20 minutes on my hair. I already use this shampoo and love the way my hair feels. Tip that works for me...Comb or brush my hair before I wash it and it is not so tangly after I wash it.
I'm totally a wash and wear girl. I break the blow dryer out about every other month (...if that). Sorry, no tips here :-/
Great contest, though!
i have no tips because i have problem hair but it does take me about 20 minutes to do my hair
I spend zero time dealing with hair issues daily. It is what it is. My tip is to use Suave and don't blow dry your hair--it dries it out. Thanks for the giveaway!
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/sunnyview99/status/2792782880
I blogged: http://wut-givz.blogspot.com/2009/07/why-are-you-reviewing-me-pantene-full.html
I don't spend much time on my hair anymore because it just frustrates me. I just wash and go an let it do whatever it wants, otherwise it looks awful.
i haven't brushed my hair in over a year :(
My hair is frizzy and old ..
I spend about 5 minutes on my hair. Then I'm finished or have given up. My only tip is for static days. I keep a can of Static Guard handy. On days with NO humidity, I let my hair air dry and give the comb or brush a QUICK spritz. It really doesn't have to cover it. Just a little nuetralizes the static.
My hair is quite short...because I can never make it do what my hairdresser can! I throw in some mousse on a really stylin' day. :)
I have very baby fine hair and I have learned that if i wash it and let it dry before brushing it and brush it forward over my head it gives it some thickness and body
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tennrose100 Visa card, win a years worth of pantene products (ARV $148) http://bit.ly/RGSOF
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I spend about 3 minutes on my hair and thats it. Any more time and I would be late for work!
I take about 5 minutes and just brush it thoroughly. Thanks for the chance.
I spend about 20 minutes a day on my hair. My best tip is when using hair spray to spray at least 12 inches away, it coats the hair better than if you spray it too close.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I have thick currly frizzy hair. When I get out of the shower. I do not let a towel touch my hair. I wring it out as best as I can, brush it, gel it, and use a diffuser to dry. My frizzies are reduced by 50-75% by doing this.
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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I only spend about 5 minutes with my hair - that includes washing, drying, and "styling". I wish I had some tips, but I'm such a low maintenance person that I don't really try much with it. I've just learned to accept it as it is!
I spend a few minutes washing & conditioning my hair and about 5 to 10 minutes drying and styling it. I keep it pretty simple.
Blogged: http://fibrofoggy.blogspot.com/2009/07/win-100-years-supply-of-pantene.html
The amount of time for styling my hair varies daily. Wash & gos only take a few minutes when I do them, but if I am twisting or braiding, then it can take hours. :( But then there are a few days where I don't have to do anything to my hair at all, unless I want to wear a scarf or headband or something.
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/Elkaye/status/2809395321
I have a baby, and don't have much time to do anything with my hair. I wash, condition, and (usually) spend 5 minutes drying it... I really don't have any tips to share- I need some tips, myself!
I try to spend as little time as I can on my hair because I have small kids. I try to blow dry my hair upside down with a round brush it seems to help a little.
Tweet http://twitter.com/dlb1980/status/2810794375
I spent about an hour when I do a big blow out and flat iron it, then I try to make it last a few days before I have to do it all over again. This stuff sounds great!
tweet http://twitter.com/Jessilyn82/status/2811058959
Blogged: http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-why-are-you-reviewing-me.html
I spend about 3 seconds on my hair each day.... 5 seconds if I can't find my brush right away. My advice is to pay whatever it takes for a good haircut. Then when your hair is growing out, it will still look good
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/bsw529/status/2811293834
I spend maybe tops 20 minutes a day on my hair. That's washing, drying, and putting it in a ponytail or bun.
most days i spend less than a minute - just pull it up into a ponytail =)
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
Some days, I spend very little time - usually wash it, towel-dry it, and ponytail it. Other times, I try to get some type of life and bounce into it with the help of a curling iron and hairspray
Time? What's that. I do wash it every day.
I spend about twenty minutes a day on my hair, and my best tip is to keep it trimmed if you want it to grow!
I wash my hair everyday and Im always tring new hair products but I did find one thing that I will always use and that is john frieda's frizz eases night creme serum does so much to help with ends and shine and so much more very good stuff! nice giveaway thank you!
I spend very little time on my hair. I have it cut short so that it is easy to manage; each morning I just have to brush it and it is ready to go. I have a very simple cut and I am a very casual person so it works for me. I would love to try the Pantene products however.
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These days I spend very little time on my hair...wash, partially dry, and go. My hair is pretty thin and doesn't like to do much.
I spend little time on my hair daily - it's long and straight so usually I just wear a ponytail.
ehhogan at bellsouth.net
my family thinks I am crazy - but I always blow dry my hair - every morning no matter how hot - other wise it will get frizzy and stick out!
Most days I only spend a few minutes on my hair. My tip is to grow it long so you can just pull it back into a ponytail and go.
3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com
I spend 15 minutes maybe on my hair. I would to grow it longer though.
fine thin hair is my daily battle and problem!
I spend about 10-15 minutes on my hair.
My tip: do not shampoo everyday
My hair is very thick and naturally curly. My routine is simple, wash, comb and let it naturally dry into ringlets. Some days I wet my brush and brush my hair until damp then finger comb it. Conditioner is a must for me.
Maybe 2-3 minutes or however long it takes me to comb it on the way out the door. The only reason it is that long is I factored in the 2-3 times a week I wash it! No real tips, although I love Frederick Fekkai's hair gloss! Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com
I don't have a lot of hair issues -- but that's mainly because I don't have much hair! I keep it really short because I can't stand having hair fall in my face and spending the time that it takes to make long hair look good. I've basically given up on my hair and do the minimum, just wash and brush it everyday. It would be great to find a product that would give me hope that I, too, could have beautiful hair.
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