Showing posts with label Real Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Real Life. Show all posts

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Help Wanted!

Image from
I need a few co-authors. Flexible hours. Great pay! (if by great pay you mean seeing your name right under the blog post you just published and the personal satisfaction that comes with sharing our thoughts and products!).

As you've probably read by now, I am in law school and I just don't have the time to devote here. Yet, at the same time,I'm not ready to walk away just yet. I'd like a few interested people to please email me with your name and blog/twitter/facebook address and let me know if you can commit to reviewing products here at least once a week. And by reviewing products, I mean products you've purchased and are willing to share with other readers. Or books you've read. Or even comment on news stories you have read or heard of.

Email me at whyrureviewingme at gmail dot com or leave a comment here.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reviews/Articles Coming to a Review Blog Near You!

How to be a sucessful law school student, mom, wife and employee - while avoiding both sleep and food!  Kidding.  Even I haven't mastered it yet.

But, I did read a book a while back, for fun no less!  And I started a review, so that is coming.  I'd tell you the title of the book, but it's still on the side of my tub (where I do my best non-school related reading) and I think my butt has grown roots to the computer chair tonight since I've been planted here since 8:00 p.m. doing homework. 

OH!  And I tried a new recipe for the best summer cake ever.  Timing. It's everything. 

That's all I can remember right now.  I'm going to work on the sleep aspect of doing it all now. 


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Start Saving Money Now!

Last week I saved $43.85 on my weekly grocery bill using coupons I printed off the internet.  I anticipate saving over $50 next week. 

My daughter just made the high school cheer team. I've got to start saving lots of money!  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mothers for Ocular Melanosis Support (M.O.M.S.)

My friend Amy has the cutest nephew ever!  I want to grab him and kiss his little puffy cheeks right off! However, this post is not about his having the most kissable cheeks on the planet or the most stunning brown eyes I've ever seen on a baby. This is about something that lurks behind those eyes.

Ocular Melanosis

Sounds pretty ominous doesn't it?  What is Ocular Melanosis? It is a rare pigment disorder that could turn into glaucoma and in rare cases, melanoma of the eye.  You read that right, cancer of the eye. 
Ocular Melanosis is a rare defect of the eye that can either be congenital (present at birth) or acquired (happening later in life). Depending on the type, the outcome can vary greatly, from yearly monitoring by an opthamologist to enucleation (eye removal). In most cases the condition remains stable and nothing needs to be done, but in rare cases it has the potential to develop into melanoma, a form of cancer. This is most frequently seen in Primary Acquired Melanosis (PAM).

OM that is seen with bluish skin discolorations on the face and neck is known as Nevus of Ota, and is almost always seen in the Asian population. This form is less likely to develop into melanoma.

There is no treatment.  There is no cure.

When Amy's nephew was diagnosed, Amy's sister, Tracy, did what all concerned mom's do, she turned to Dr. Google to find out all she could about Ocular Melanosis.  She tried to find support groups for other parents going through what she was, yet she came up empty handed.

Knowing that her son would spend the rest of his life being monitored and that someday there was the very real chance that her son could become blind or worst case scenario lose his eye to cancer, made Tracy all the more eager to find someone, anyone else with whom she could find support, who knew what she was going through and who understood the fear that lives within her heart. 

Coming up empty handed, Tracy did what any one of us would have done.  She started a website to grow attention to what few people know is a real problem. 

Tracy created Mothers for Ocular Melanosis Support (M.O.M.S)

Please check out Tracy's site and let her know she is not alone.  If you know anyone who is dealing with Ocular Melanosis, please tell them about M.O.M.S. too.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Thanks Yoboy!!

So, who knew a broken HTML tag in a gadget could cause so much headache!? Thanks to Yoboy for helping me out!

Now I'm pretty in IE8 again.

Thanks Yoboy!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Stuffs (and gift suggestions I suppose)

I'm tweaking my template. It is borked in IE, but what else is new. I've tried everything I know of to fix it. I recommend looking at this site in anything but IE. I'm in Firefox right now and it's beautiful.

In other news, I've added a list of my Favorite Reads from Amazon over there to the left. I can honestly say I've read 90% of the books on my list. And I'm not done adding them. I'm a huge Peter Straub and Nicholas Sparks fan. I also love John Grisham and have a strong like for Stephen King. Something about him skeeves me out just a little. I have read all three of Eleanor Herman's books, well, I'm half way done with Mistress of the Vatican and I cannot wait to read King Peggy. And as you already know, I fell in love with Oogy.

With all this free time on my hands, Santa is bringing me a slew of new books for Christmas. I cannot wait to read You had me at Woof and Santa scored me a first edition, signed copy of Peter Straub's A Dark Matter and it's companion, A Special Place: The Heart of a Dark Matter. He is also bringing me Room, Not Without My Sister, and Damaged.

I should be sufficiently busy until at least May.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holy Cow!

First of all, I cannot believe it has been a month since I was here last.  Oh how time flies when you're up to your eyeballs in finals and birthdays and more finals and then a beachy vacation where you simply cannot remove your toes from the sand long enough to consume anything other than a sparkling mimosa. 

I have a couple things in the pipe. Like a delicious salad complete with pictures.  I know!

Currently I am feverishly studying (again) to take the law school admission test (again) and at the same time, prepare for the holidays (again).  Like, didn't I do this in 2008?  Apparently, I don't learn very well.

Now that I'm out of school (again) and before I start school (again), I will be submerging myself in study and reviews. Oh, and recipes.  Because that relaxes me. And I got some good recipies to try out also, like Chocolate Bark, a Chicken Tortilla soup, some yummy cheese balls and the one I'm most excited to try, Lemony Creamy Chicken Rice soup.

I'm going to find a snack now. 

OH!! I forgot to tell you, my mouth has been raw from eating these.  I found them while on vacation in Coronado and bought two pounds.  I LOVE THEM.  It makes my mouth water just thinking about it. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Well, I imported all my recipes over here. No need having more blog than I can manage. Plus, I haven't cooked much this year with school becoming progressively harder and more time consuming. At least in a mere 40 days, yes, five weeks and five days, I will be DONE. Then it is back to life for a minute.

Just click the labels over there on the side bar for a peek at what I've cooked up and really liked enough to share. One day I will be brave and post the spaghetti sauce recipe that takes all day to cook but allegedly is soooo very worth it that The Man and Dramas beg for it.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Please help if you can

One of us has a problem. She needs our help. She needs to make quality memories with her children while she still can. She needs your love and thoughts and prayers. Please go and tell her hello. (HI LISA!)

Then, come right back here and click over to Miss Ann Thrope (Original Formula) and give if you can. Even if it is a nickle. Every little bit will help.

When you’re done with all that, gather your family around you and kiss and hug them. Tell them you love them. Call your mom and/or dad; your brothers and sisters; your long lost friend. While you still can.