Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pantene Full & Thick

This is a compensated review from BlogHer and Pantene Full & Thick

Anyone who reads my blog will recall that I have been struggling with hair issues for quite some time. Earlier this year, my hair and I had a standoff of sorts. I said “hair, I’m tired of your wispy ways
and limpness. I am tired of looking like an old washed out mop. I want the hair I used to have. I want hair that looks like hair and not faded Christmas tinsel. I know you can do it!” Yet, even with the pep talks and various products, my hair was having no part of it. I tried different shampoos and conditioners. I tried washing my hair every day and that didn’t even help. I was considering a perm and the flashback to my 80s hair almost made me cry. I just wanted a little body, some appearance of thickness. Mostly, I wanted my hair to look like it was not pasted to the top of my head by the middle of the day.

I went through a myriad of shampoos and conditions and even went to the doctor to ask if my age and hormone levels could be the root cause (ha!) of my hair problems. It seemed that when I turned the big Four-OH! last year, my hair decided it had had enough and began to limp out, break off and otherwise boycott all efforts I made at prettiness. As luck would have it in the midst of my hair product experimentation, BlogHer approached me with this review.

I had a
lready tried five different shampoos since the first of the year, working my way down the list of suggestions my readers had provided earlier. When my Pantene arrived, the first thing I did was open it and take a smell. I like a shampoo that smells good but not heavily perfumed. Pantene smelled very light and fragrant but not overpowering. I washed my hair that night and was surprised that the shampoo is clear. I am not sure what I expected, but it wasn’t clear shampoo. I also like the fact that I only needed a small amount to clean my hair with a head full of bubbly lather. I conditioned and was surprised at the difference I felt simply combing it out. The true test would be the morning when I woke up. Usually, if I wash my hair at night, when I wake up in the morning it is limp and thin. However, the miracle of Pantene Full & Thick was that my hair actually had some fullness and thickness to it the next morning! Even better? My hair still looked good that night!

I was hesitant though to love this new Pantene Full & Thick just yet. I still had another day of hair to deal with. I used Pantene again and decided to blow dry my hair. Wow. Note to self: no need to hang my head upside down to blow dry it using Pantene. Yeah. I had big 80s hair that was, well, big. I had to tame it back just a little with some water. However, again, I was able to go two full days without washing my hair and that is huge for me.

I decided to wash both of my daughters’ hair with the Pantene Full & Thick. This was comical at best. My 12 year old has really thick, full hair. This shampoo gave her a full on lion’s mane. Not the look she was going for at all! My 9 year old has thin, wispy hair like mine. Her hair was beautiful and full of body
and bounce. She is hooked and asked if I could buy her some Pantene for “just her.”

I have been using the Pantene Full & Thick all week and I honestly have no complaints. My hair looks good. It feels good. It has more body than it has had in over a year and it is not breaking off. It even smells good the next day and is easy to comb through.

If you have thin or limp hair like I did, I would feel totally comfortable recommending Pantene Full & Thick. I also appreciate the fact that the conditioner is a light conditioner that does not weigh down my hair, but still leaves it soft and manageable so I can pull it up at work if necessary, and when I drop it back down, it still looks good. I finally have movie star hair!

Well, almost.

Oh Look! A Contest:

Would you love to win a $100 Visa card and a year’s supply of Pantene? If so, leave me a comment below and tell me how much time do you spend dealing with hair issues daily and do you have any tips or tricks you can share - or you may leave a link to your post on your own blog in the comments below. The contest will begin at 9:00 a.m. (PST) July 1, 2009 and will end 5:00 p.m. (PST) August 1, 2009. Make sure that the e-mail address you leave is correct.
• No duplicate comments.
• You may receive an additional entry by linking on twitter and leaving a link in the comments.
• You may receive an additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.
• This giveaway is open to US residents, aged 18 and over
• Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail.
• You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
• Please see the official rules here: Official Rules

Check out the rest of the BlogHer reviews for 8 additional chances to win!

UPDATE: We have a winner! Congratulations Heatherzilla. Check your email.


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scottsgal said...

15 minutes at the most is all I have time for daily

msboatgal at aol.com

Lower Mitten Kitten said...

How much time do you spend dealing with hair issues daily?

I spend very little time dealing with daily hair issues. I have young kids so I ponytail my hair everyday.

Do you have any tips or tricks you can share? No - I have hair that's best kept in a pony tail.

skitsbits2000 said...

It really depends on the weather. The more the humidity, the more I have to spend of my hair. On humid days I actually blow dry my already dry hair to get some semblance of order. Overall between 5 minutes and 30 minutes.

Night Owl Mama said...


I blogged

nightowlmama at comcast dot net

Emilie said...

I wash my hair in the morning while showering and then pull it back to let it dry. I don't blowdry it unless it's really cold out or I have something important to do in the morning--if I blowdry every day there isn't any product that will help it stop being dried out and yucky!

Unknown said...

too bad I can't show you a picture. I have thick curly hair, and it gets to be a big puffball, especially in humid weather. Basically, if I don't wash and style it in the morning, it looks bad, but most mornings getting the kids ready, I don't have time to do so. So most mornings are my worst hair day.

pattycake said...

I spend a lot of time trying to get a full looking head of hair, and my only tip is resorting to a bit of backcombing to add fullness

pattycake said...

foLatest: just entered at http://bit.ly/RGSOFless than 5 seconds agollow you on twitter and tweeted

fostertam said...

In some ways I am blessed becaues I have thick hair with body--but I have a bunch of the dreaded cowlicks that always want to make my hair go in different directions. The one thing that works is as soon as I get out of bed I spray my hair with some water and do a pre-fix. Then I go have my coffee and when I get ready to go actually fix my hair it is easier to deal with.

Carly said...

I spend about 30 minutes a day on my hair, I wish I knew a way to spend less. The best tip I know is to spray leave-in conditioner in your hair after you shower. I've been doing this and I've noticed a big difference

iggysaysno said...

no tricks or tips here... i'm pretty clueless. i only spend about fifteen minutes on my hair

sweetsue said...

On a normal day, I just wash and blow dry-takes about 10 minutes. When I have extra time I like to try new styles. My hair tip is to invest in hats for really bad hair days!
smchester at gmail dot com

Holly B said...

I have a cowlick in the front on my bangs..I straighten it every day and it stays nice and straight all day!

hblaser at gmail dot com

dawns41 said...

My hair is straight and fine so it tangles easily and that is the toughest part of my routine. Detangling my hair.


VickieB said...

I don't like spending a lot of time on my hair so in general probably no more than 15 minutes a days.
I have very fine, thinning hair and to make it look a little fuller, and because it's an easy style, I keep it in a short bob

SomebodyFamousJr said...

I spend very little time dealing with hair issues because I gave up on my hair a loooooong time ago!

VickieB said...

tweet http://twitter.com/vlbsweeps/status/2856195206

kmg365 said...

I don't spend much time on my hair. I'm a "wash and go" kind of girl-- no blow-drying for me. As for tips-- it really depends on the type of hair you have. If you happen to have extremely fine hair like mine, I suggest skipping the heavy conditioners, and using a light spray on detangler instead.

fluggy said...

I only spend about 10 minutes on my hair each morning. My tip would be to get a cut that was easy to manage.

monky said...

I spend about 20 minutes each morning, blow drying and styling my hair. My best tip is to use a good shampoo and conditioner like Pantene

Tina12312 said...

I'm really pretty low maintenance with my hair unless I'm going out and want to curl it. My hair is long and the ends dry out a bit so one thing I've found that I really like is Redken's moist ends; you just put a little on your towel-dried ends and they're very easy to comb through without always using a conditioner that weighs everything down. I use and love Pantene shampoos and really want to try this. Thank you!

Tina12312 said...

I tweeted (Tina12312) http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/2859209641

thank you!

Unknown said...

I don't spend much time at all on my hair -- wash, condition, dry a little and then let it air dry. If I dry it completely, it would look horrible as it is naturally curly and does much better drying on it's own.

ky2here said...

My hair is very low maintenance. The tip is to not wash every day. Rinse every day and condition on the days you don't wash. Never wash your hair more than four times weekly.

Deborah said...

I confess that these days, I don't spend a lot of time on my hair. One tip I can share is to find and use a natural-bristle brush. It'll help distribute the natural healthful oils in your hair and will help keep your hair from getting dried out and damaged. asthenight at gmail dot com

Karen S said...

My hair usually behaves itself but I have a hard time controlling the little shorter frizzy hairs.

LindaD said...

I spend a lot of time getting the waves out of one side of my hair. The other side is very straight, but to get the two sides to match I get an arm workout with a large roller brush while blow-drying and turn up the heat on my straightening iron.

stOOpidgErL said...

I generally don't spend a lot of time fussing with my hair. Life is short and I have better things to do! When I use Pantene I usually don't have to do much to make my hair look good anyway. I love that stuff!

Erin A said...

I don't struggle much with my hair, but I do spend at least 10 minutes on it. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jeanette H. said...

I have long straight hair so it's really pretty easy to deal with, I just wash, brush and go.

Thanks for the great giveaway!


JMom said...

I am the wash and go kind of girl and try not to spend more than five minutes a day on my hair. So I really have to have shampoos and conditioners that I can depend on!


JMom said...

I also blogged this giveaway from my main site: http://amoores.com/2009/07/21/win-a-years-supply-of-pantene-100/

vboackle said...

i wash my hair 3 times a week and have trouble styling so i put it in a ponytail.i have given up.

Anonymous said...

I have pretty good hair, so I don't have too many issues. It takes me about 15 -20 minutes to do in the morning. My hairdresser suggested that I stop washing my hair everyday, and at first I couldnt imagine it, but I have really seen a difference washing about every other day.

Unknown said...

Oh man, if I blow-dry and straighten my hair it takes me close to an hour, because I have very long and thick hair. Usually I just leave it curly but that means I have to stay in for awhile to let it dry a bit, or else as soon as the wind takes it I look terrible! Thanks for the giveaway!

luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com

freaaa1 said...

hi, i dont really spend much time on it anymore because i usually just throw a hat on. I would say 2 minutes tops! my tip would be to use ph-balanced products, and also to splurge at least once a year and go to a top-notch salon (not only to do it right, but to learn about new styles, techniques, products, etc). thanks!

jennem said...

My hair has a weird bendy wave. Basically, I depend on lots of clips!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

sweepmom said...

I am a pretty no fuss kind of person. Ideally I will let my hair air dry the use a flat iron on it. If I don't have that much time, I will blow it dry first then straighten it which takes about 15-20 minutes.

turboterp said...

I've found that washing my hair every other day during the summer makes it less frizzy.

yadgirl said...

I have my hair cut short, so I can just wash it, brush it and go.

yadgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cdabs said...

I have really fine, thin hair, cut very short and spiky, so it takes me less than five minutes to dry it and put some product in it. I've always noticed that hair styles better the day after you wash it, so I try to time that when I have something that I want to look really good for.

Anonymous said...

I don't spend much time on my hair, I usually just pull it up into a pony tail because it's so uruly and hard to manage.

hebert024 at aol dot com

Sonya Allstun said...

I gave up spending more then 10 minutes on my hair since its so straight and thin. I just wear it straight now since even if I curl it it will fall out in about an hour anyway


bargaingirl said...

I don't need to spend a lot of time on my hair because I wear it short. I have found using a good conditioner, like Pantene, does help with the frizziness I sometimes experience. Thanks for the giveaway!

idahomom said...

Maybe 5 minutes. Thin and flat is my problem.

terri142 said...

I spend about 20 min a day struggling with my hair. I do have fine hair so I am glad to here that pantene helps.

Mishia said...

My hair usually takes less than 5 minutes because I just put in a ponytail for work. I love coconut oil for my hair.

see see some said...

i have super straight hair and have just gotten a perm in my hair because i was tired of wearing my hair in a french braid every day~~now i have super kinky hair i just pull back with a clip~~i am looking for a new shampoo~~i used pantene years ago and don't really know why i switched~~i think it was to some high price salon shampoo and conditioner~my hair is so frizzy(even when straight it drives me crazy) i need hair help

Julie Vineyard said...

I spend about 30 minutes each day on my hair but you would never know it. It always looks blah :(

Unknown said...

Including washing, I spend around 10- 15 minutes a day on my hair. I wash it at night then just fix it in the morning. That way I don't have to dry my hair.It saves time and my hair is healthier.


SeahorseLady said...

I have long and thick hair and try not to spend too much time with it. I wash it and use a conditioner and mousse and that's about it. My biggest problem is the time that it takes to dry naturally.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

My hair is super fine so it is definitely my biggest challenge.
I try to dry my hair immediately after watching it. And use both a good styling gel and a finishing spray.
Otherwise it is flat in five minutes.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.

Crystal F said...

I probably spend 5 minutes a day on it. I wash it and then blow dry it and that's all for he day. I don't know what to do with my hair so I don't do anything with it. lol Thank you!

heaventrees said...

I probably spend about 45 minutes when you take it all into account from shampooing to drying to styling.

taylorbagels said...

I dont spend much time on my hair daily because it's almost hopeless, you'd have to see it to believe it. If your hair is acting bad and its long enough to make a pony tail then that's what I'd do, thats the only tip I can think of now.

taylorbagels said...

Tweet, http://twitter.com/electricisland/status/2948581815


hale2005 said...

I just comb my hair back and it falls into place!

zeitersouth said...

I too have been battling the limp hair monster, until I realized my problem. Too much conditioner. I always thought I need to really pile it on to combat the damage done by coloring, but instead, if I apply it to just the ends it makes a huge difference!

colesammom at gmail dot com

Shelly said...

I battle mine daily. I have somewhat curly hair and it is hard to get it to not look frizzy. I use paul mitchell skinny serun and that helps.

S said...

I spend 5-10 minutes on my thick, naturally curly/wavy hair, but I don't usually like the way it looks. To get it to look the way I'd like would take more like 25-30 minutes.

Gabriel S-J. said...

My biggest challenge is thin hair. I need help with those!!!! Make me a winner!

Cjnedrow said...

I wash my hair only every other day so the time I spend with it varies. Also, my hair is knee length so after I do wash it I pull it back and put it into a long braid and then roll the braid up in a bun. The braid helps to keep the hair healthy and from not breaking off or having split ends. This method causes me to spend very little time with my hair a day.

heatherannvega said...

I don't spend much time on my hair, just the amount of time each day it takes to wash, condition, and run a brush through it.
My biggest hair issue is having to wash it every. single. day. Yuck!

Jess MD said...

I've been really good lately about not spending more time on my hair then what is needed. I think thats the best tip of all, is to not over work your hair and force it to do something it doesn't want to.


Mom Union said...

I'd like to say I only spend a few minutes on my hair, but that's not completely accurate. I do spend a few minutes putting my hair up, but the rest of the day fussing with flyaways, stragglers, and the like. It's sooooo annoying.

Mom Union said...


Mom Union said...

tweet: http://twitter.com/heathersphere/status/3056826958

prplrush said...

My hair is really long, so i spend a pretty good amount of time on trying to get it remotely looking the way that i want it too lol. After shampooing and conditioning, i spend about 30 to 40 minutes on straightening it with a flat iron. Living here in MS it's all i can do to help with some of the humidity here that will frizz your hair up to it's roots the second you step a foot out the door lol

Happi Shopr said...

i have hypothyroidism and my hair suffers because of it...it's limp and lack-luster and could really use some help. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Retsbar2Go said...

Being older, hair is not like it once was.
I already use Pantene Full n Thick, it give my hair more fullness. I LOVE IT!


bison61 said...

I have naturally curly/wavy hair. I spend about 20 mins. a day

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

akf0601 said...

I spend about 20 minutes a day on my hair. Finding a great conditioner was the answer for me!

Molly C. said...

I don't spend alot of time on my hair usually. But it takes a bit to comb all the knots out of it.

sharonjo said...

I just spend about 5 minutes a day styling my hair. It is short and I use very small electric rollers and just pick the style out and mist with hairspray! Great giveaway! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net

Tammy said...

I have almost given up on my hair since it has become so dry & lifeless.

ewalsh40 said...

I know after about five minutes if it's going to be a cooperative hair day, or a bad hair day.

About 95 percent are cooperative, but I've learned that on bad hair days, it's best to just let it go. The more you try to fix it, the worse it gets. LOL

tlcfromtn said...

I have fine, thin hair and I spend more time than I'd like trying to get it to look right most mornings (about 20 minutes on a good day). I have no tips or tricks to offer. I'd love to try this. Thanks for the giveaway!

braaisjo at gmail dot com

Julieh said...

I spend about 15 minutes on my hair. I got an ionic hair dryer, and it really makes my hair dry quicker.

Patricia C said...

I spend about 10 minutes on my hair daily. I find my hair has much more body if I have a layered cut.

k-team said...

I spend under 10 minutes on my hair because it's short but sometimes I can't get the frizzy curls to cooperate so I gel it and throw a headband on. thanks!

SheilaBee said...

I spend about 20 min a day on my hair and even though my hair isnt thin it is baby fine and falls flat. Monthly haircuts ( trim and shaping) are my salvation.

covercover said...

To be honest I spend a very little time, but that's because I wear a short hairdo which I maintain by going every 4-5 weeks to my awesome stylist. She does such a good job!
But a good conditioner is very important to me because I color my hair :) My tip would be, if you have dry hair just put some olive oil once a week for 30 minutes!


bosslady2898 said...

I spend a lot of time on my hair. It is very thick and wavy. It takes about 30 minutes to dry it, but it has a lot of body and is very pretty once I get finished!

Storm Safety Blog said...

I usually wash my hair every other day. I comb out the crazy old lady frizzies while my hair is wet (otherwise, it's impossible), and I let it dry. That's about it. If I think about it in the morning, I'll spend about 30 seconds brushing it.

Sonya said...

I spend about 2 minutes on my hair, but I'm a big believer in ponytails!

Jayfr said...

I don't spend a lot of time on it, a few minutes a day, thankfully. No tips, not original ones at least.

Jinxy and Me said...

I usually spend less than 5 minutes per day.

Jinxy and Me said...

Tweeted http://twitter.com/ThriftyJinxy/status/3065930418

chromiumman said...

maybe five minutes or so at the most

icefairy said...

I spend at least 20 minutes daily on my long hair. I don't have any tip to offer, but I'm in need of some.

NesieBird said...

I am a frizz-ball whose tresses tend to get all sorts of crazy. I am always on the lookout for a new conditioner that will keep me from looking like a hot mess. Thanks for the info!

kneecree at gmail dot com

azrosebud said...

i have thick fine hair and, of course, now am getting lots of wiry grays - so basically I wear it up all the time - so it's about a 10 minute brush and wrap!

icefairy said...


Anonymous said...

I only spend 15-20min. on my hair. The only issues I have are fly aways, and I have found nothing that works. Thanks.

icefairy said...


tesashel said...

I spend maybe 10 minutes a day on my hair. I never blow-dry.

pamtufts said...

I don't spend much time on my hair unless I'm going out somewhere, then I have to Iron out the frizz, that usually takes around 15 min.

intime said...

my hair is super thick and takes 20 minutes just to dry. Even my stylist took over 1 hour drying and stykling it. I really battle with this, but am greatful that it flatters my face

Unknown said...

I have learned to get a wash and wear cut so I can spend only the time I have- which is generally less than none. But I can also glam it up when the need arises

Unknown said...

Tweet http://twitter.com/dddiva/status/3068515796

Anonymous said...

It takes about 8 minutes to blow dry my hair. I style it w/ a brush while drying. I use a leave-in conditioner to help detangle & prevent flyaways. It also saves considerable time in the shower not to have to rinse my hair a 2nd time.

yomomma said...

My hair is long and very straight unfortunitly it's also fine which means it has no body. Most days I spent about 15 minutes brushing it and then pull it back in a ponytail.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I tweeted:

Jersey Girl 46 said...

I have spent a lot of time and money on trying to find a product that changes with the weather, my hormones, and my hair cuts.

I tried Pantene full and thick based on your blog. I wanted to see if I had discounted it prematurely. I found that on a good day, no hormone issues and no Florida rain, this is the best product for thick and full locks. One trick I figured to get the fullness is to wash twice and rinse three times. The first wash I use a regular amount of shampoo, on the second wash, I use a smaller amount and I rinse it twice.

I spend about 20 minutes a day on my hair, and on the bad hair/weather days, I spend about 35 minutes.

ssmina said...

15-30 minutes....I have curly hair and it gets very knotty. I have to use styling products and get it done before my hair dries or else it's a frizzball...

Amber said...

I honestly don't have much of a hair routine anymore. I wash it, dry it, and brush it. That's about it. I need more time for me!

Sheila Hickmon said...

I dont spend too much time daily. If it's not cooperating, then its up in a ponytail it goes!
Glad you found something that works!
hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Theresa C said...

5 maybe 10 minutes a day. I hate spending time on my hair. I have a wash and go cut. I hate to style my hair. Thanks for the opportunity.

joannaonthelake said...

To be honest, I probably spend way too much time everyday dealing with hair issues. My hair is long, thick and layered so if I don't work hard to style it just right, it can come out looking like a frizzy nasty looking mess. I probably spend about 25 minutes a day styling it, to get it to lay just the way I want the layers to rest. It is a labor of love as I call it, but having my hair look great is something I enjoy doing and am passionate about since I think it is my best asset. On the days that it is really humid outside, or just feeling like a damp climate in the air, I take a really small amount of olive oil, rub it in both palms of my hands and when it is barely there in my palms I lightly rub the palms of my hands through the ends of my hair, making sure only to touch the ends. The olive oil seems to immediately eliminate any frizz that is visible in my hair and doesn't make it feel greasy at all, it is as though the ends of my hair just absorb the olive oil right away. That is my little trick in keeping the frizz away from my hair! I would love nothing more than to be able to use quality products like Pantene's for a year to keep my hair looking healthy! Thanks so much for the amazing chance to enter.

joannaonthelake said...

I sent out a tweet:



joannaonthelake said...

I blogged about this wonderful giveaway here:



Anonymous said...

Now that I'm older I'm not as picky about my hair. I work outside more now so it just gets messed up anyway. I spend maybe 10-15 minutes.

pinkpintobean at gmail dot com

LaLuna said...

I wash, condition and let my hair air dry. This is possible as I live in HELL, otherwise known as Arizona.

susan1215 said...

Not very long, my hair is wavy so I put a gel in my hair and then let it dry naturally, otherwise it would be frizzy.

Candie L said...

I work at a preschool so there is no need for primping and looking perfect. I spend maybe 5-10 minutes a day on my hair trying to make sure it looks acceptable. Thank you.


artmarcia said...

When my hair looks good, I feel and when my hair looks bad, I don't want to get anywhere near a mirror. It takes me about 30 minutes to wash, blow dry, and curl my hair.

Anonymous said...

My issue is that I used to have thick shiny hair, but since being diagnosed with a thyroid issue,my nice hair went from fab to drab. It's a lot frizzier now and a lot drier and thinner. I *need* to flat iron my hair or it's a complete mess! I could seriously use a good volumizing shampoo also, so I must try this. Thanks so much!

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Charity S said...

It takes me good 30 minutes. My only tip is to get up early.


charisscharity [at] yahoo [dot] com

Charity S said...

I tweeted.


Deb K said...

I have long hair and after I wash it~I apply my conditioner to it and then comb it thru and leave it for a few minutes.Makes my hair very easy to manage!

JeanineMB said...

My hair is pretty fine, so it's a balancing act between fighting dry ends and not weighing down my hair. One tip is to try parting in a different spot -- it gives me extra body on top so it doesn't look so flat.

Anonymous said...

I could use this product. My hair is frizzy and dry and I've tried so many styling products to fix this.
Recently, I even used a cup of olive oil on my hair and wrapped it overnight! Still looks the same!

diesel51 said...

My hair is curly and needs to be conditioned a lot. On days when it is impossible to get into a style, I put my hair in a bun.
If time is limited a bun it the only answer. Bobbie pins and clips always around my house and my hair looks really nice in a stylish bun.

Deb K said...


Ali said...

I have very fine hair but a LOT of it - I love pantene and wonder if I'd end up looking like a lion too with this!
On day's I don't have plans for a nice dinner or with friends, I just do nothing usually and let it air dry into a poofy mess. If I'm going anywhere that matters it probably takes me about 15 minutes of after shower care to blow dry it into a semblance of gorgeous.

guettel78 said...

I blogged about my worst hair day ever here: http://slavetoacademia.blogspot.com/2009/08/my-worst-hair-day-ever.html


guettel78 said...

I tweeted about the giveaway: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/3073406069


guettel78 said...

I blogged about the giveaway: http://slavetoacademia.blogspot.com/2009/08/100-visa-gc-pantene-full-thick-giveaway_6401.html


Sarah Z said...

It takes me about 10 minutes to do my hair at the most! I let it dry most of the way while I feed the dogs and make lunch so it doesn't take as long to dry with the hair dryer!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

txgrl1502 said...

I do not have much timebefore school to fix my hair, usually it goe in a bun.

mineola said...

I don't spend much time on my hair because it's nicely wild & curly & I sort of gave up on it doing anything but wearing me years ago! :D I tend to tie it up & tuck it & twist it a lot throughout the day.

For a treat I do a few days of back to back deep conditioning- using Wella kolesterol & whatever intense moisturizers I have on hand, coconut oil, olive oil, etc. with a hood type of dryer.

And a leave-in conditioner is a must for me.

Liz Mays said...

I probably spend about 30 minutes a day on my hair. I find that it stays much healthier if I don't wash it every day. Every other day is just fine and always use conditioner when washing.

allysona said...

i should blow dry my hair just for appearance sake ,but it very thick and takes for ever....

Terri Dell said...

I never spend a lot of time on my hair except for special occasions. My hair is very curly and it takes to much time to tame it on an everyday basis

ShesAnAngel said...

I spend about 15 minutes a day dealing with my hair issue (and that's to get it to look like I want, not flat)but this doesn't include washing/drying...My best advice is to not wash it everyday, it usually looks better the 2nd day :D


ShesAnAngel said...

I tweeted your giveaway!



ShesAnAngel said...

I spend about 15 minutes per day dealing with my hair issues (not including washing/drying). My tip is to not overwash your hair, it behaves better when it's not so dry!


ShesAnAngel said...

I tweeted your giveaway!



etrnlone said...

having sine, thin, limp hair is a fight every day. there are few great hair days.
i will have to try the Pantene. thank you

Anonymous said...

I actually spend little time on my hair, maybe 10 minutes daily. Use a good quality shampoo and conditioner like Pantene!

Anonymous said...

blogged the giveaway


Anonymous said...



Aisling said...

I might spend 5 minutes on my hair each morning. It's thick and wavy and sometime it just gets weighted down. I've found that I definitely do not need to wash my hair daily. I really run into dryness problems when I do that.

Helen said...

I spend at least twenty minutes daily fussing with my hair.

Bakersdozen said...

I like to buy the conditoning gloss that usually comes with haircolor products. Clairol is one brand that sells it. It runs for around $4.00 and does a great job. I have dry hair and like to use this throughout the week. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Francine Anchondo said...

I deal with fine hair and alot of it so I have to take alot of time to get all the tangles out everyday.


disneyfanheather said...

I spend about 15-20 minutes on my hair--shampoo, conditioner, brushing, styling, etc.

annemarie562000 said...

I usually shampoo and condition my hair, then use a blow dryer and a flat iron. It takes about 25 minutes.


07violet said...

I spend 15-20 minutes, I'd like to see if these products would help my hair

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

Donna said...

Probabbly 30 minutes a day. I use pantene.

disneyfanheather said...


Anonymous said...

I spend about 10 minutes tops on my hair -- it's wavy but luckily in a wash-n-go way. My tip is to sleep with your hair in a ponytail, it really reduces the amount of tangles.

thefatesarevicious at yahoo dot com

lyoness said...

I don't know how long I spend on my hair but it's too long. If I want it straight it takes way too long to blow dry and flat iron. If I let it air dry it takes a long time to dry it's extremely thick, wavy, and unruly.

carolpie said...

I spend like 15 minutes a day and when I had problems my stylist helped me with new products.

carolpie said...


carolpie said...

http://forums.online-sweepstakes.com/blog.php?b=1568-I blogged!~

gr0707 said...

I spend about 30 minutes in the morning trying to straighten my frizzy hair. If it decides to be stubborn I put it in a hairband and go.

Unknown said...

I love Pantene

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