What I liked about Fyrflyz was the simplicity. They’re just good old fashioned fun. No shebangs or whistles. Just a light on a string that kids (and
adults) can spin and twist and play with to make cool designs in the dark. I am lucky enough to live on a street where nearly every house has kids and all the neighbors know and even like each other. We have something around 15 kids on our street ranging in age from 2 to 17. It was great to see them all outside, sharing the cool new toy and running up telling their parents that they had to have one!
There was so much action going on outside that I couldn’t get the pictures quick enough so I took some inside the house later that night.
My kids now try to outdo each other with the new trick they learned. There is even a page on the website where they’ve learned a few new tricks. As of right now I know that Fyrflyz are available at Phoenix Toys ‘R Us stores. According to the website, www.fyrflyz.com, they will become available in other markets soon.
Fyrflyz come in three different colors, nytfyr (red and white), cyclone (green and white) and blue angel (blue and multicolor) and they retail for under $10. Fyrflys are recommended for kids 8 and up but I should mention that my husband did whack himself in the nose while showing off for the kids (it was beautiful and the kids were very careful after that given a he is a grown up and all – LOL).
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