Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Satellite Television - I LOVE IT! (okay, it's the news channels really)

Hello, my name is U2BM and I am an addict. A news television junkie.

I have worked in legal offices for nearly 20 years. In all but three of those offices we had some sort of television in the conference room or reception area. Recently, we decided that we wanted some type of cable or satellite television in the office so that we could keep up with the national news networks while we work. Because in real life, every one of us is a news junkie who cannot stand not being connected to the world Every. Single. Minute. of the day. The building we occupy hooked up direct tv for lobby dwellers, and there is also a television streaming national news in the cafeteria.  I just needed to decide between direct tv and  I recalling reading about direct tv for hospitals so I figured it wouldn't be that hard to arrange for my office. When I called to set up service in our office, it was easy as pie. Because there was already satellite in the building it was a matter of running wires and hooking up our televisions. First of course, I had to buy televisions. The boss wanted one specific to his office. We wanted one in the big conference room and we also wanted one in the reception area. Done and done. Now the only problem we have is that sometimes, national news being so addictive and all, on big news days, well, productivity is slightly less than normal.

Now, as soon as a certain contract with a certain other satellite company expires, my house will be directv too. At my house, news networks are always on in the background of my den while I am working or in the family room while I am cooking.

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