The below mentioned product was purchased by me for my personal use. I am not being monetarily paid for this review. I will give my honest opinion and thoughts regarding said product anyway.
I’m not unhappy with my life mind you. I’m just bored with it. I want change and I feel like waiting for it. That is partly why I went back to school, enrolling in the Masters courses. I will see direct results, I am working toward a goal and mostly, I am once again in control of my destiny. Sometimes, with the hustle and bustle of every day life, working the same job, same people, same projects, where we want to be gets lost in where we are. What we need to do to make a change gets lost in what we need to do to survive right now. There is always some obstacle or other thing that we think gets in our way or prevents us from doing what we want to do or need to do. It is similar, I think, to the craze for the Wii Fit game. Unlike exercising and dieting and waiting for a noticeable change or result, Wii Fit gives you immediate gratification and you can see a score or whatever it is that you see (I don’t have one, can you tell?)
The point is, we all want to see immediate results and we don’t necessarily want to work for change. Well, we don’t want to work really hard for change. I have no problem working hard or working toward a goal. I have a problem becoming discouraged with the bumps in the road and with not seeing results as soon as my mind thinks I should see them. Lately, I have been thinking more positively and once again I have grabbed the reins to where I want to be in my life. After all, I am the only one who can take me there.
This weekend, I read a book, Life’s Golden Ticket. I was hooked within the first three pages. I read it over two days. I passed it on to my 11 year old and when she is done, I’m going to send it to my best friend. Whether you are happy with your life and want confirmation or if you have some aspect you find dissatisfying and want to make a change, I recommend this book. It was a quick read, only 208 pages of a twisty, turning, gut wrenching journey of a man who doesn’t want to live the life he is living, he doesn’t want to lose the love of his life, and he doesn’t know half of what he thinks he does about life and loving someone else, and doesn't know how to change any of it. I read this book and saw some of me, some of my life, a whole lot of my brothers’ and sisters’ lives, some of my parents and some of my friends. We’ve all had a time in our lives where we’ve doubted, given up hope, wondered if we could survive and if we did, what would become of us and our lives. We have all settled at some point and then played the what if game. If you’ve ever even wondered for one millisecond what if, then read this book.
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